Saturday, October 16, 2021

Classic Navy & White Pinecones

 While we were playing with the Christmas Pinecone Dies, I wanted to do a simple, but elegant card, with just the delicate "detail" dies.  I love Navy & White together, and with a touch of Silver Foil, just gorgeous!  You could knock these out for your Christmas card quite easily! Oh, my!  The picture doesn't do this card justice!


  • Night of Navy: 1/2 sheet 
  • Shimmery White: 1/4 sheet, scrap
  • Silver Foil: 1 3/4" strip
To Make This Card:

  • Run Shimmery White through "detail evergreen" die. Note: I "lubricated" mine with wax paper first, as I have one end that's a little stubborn. Then, ran back and forth 2 times.  I DID NOT flip this one over, it moves the detail too much and you get a double cut!
  • Now cut three, large, solid pinecones and five, small, solid pinecones from Silver Foil.
  • You can either adhere these BEHIND the details with Multipurpose Glue and a sponge dauber, or you can wait until the bough is attached and tuck them in underneath with a glue dot to the backside. Note: The glue and sponge method is the easiest, but then you have glue "showning" a little on the foil.  Tucking in behind is a little "neater" but a little more tricky to accomplish.
  • Attach bough, with pinecones, to folded Night of Navy card with Multipurpose Glue and a sponge dauber
  • Stamp and emboss sentiment in Silver onto Shimmery White. Fussy cut around it and attach to card with Dimensionals.
  • Finish with scattered Rhinestones.
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